Easy Ways to Keep Your Personal Budget in Check

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This mail is brought to you lot by The Huntington National Bank and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.

Today I'thousand sharing about the importance of a personal financial check-in. This topic is particularly relevant as my hubby and I simply had a budget coming together a few weeks agone to look at our personal budget and meet how we are doing. This meeting is a regular occurrence for u.s., but this detail meeting as well touched on some of the financial goals and intentions I shared with y'all before this summer.

Foremost, we recently returned from taking a vacation for our anniversary and our daughter started preschool in September. For us, like many, the change of season to Autumn and back to school time provided a natural shift in schedules, a revisiting of priorities and financial goals.

Personal Budget

Personal Budget

Today I want to offer some personal tips on how we perform a financial check-in, and also share some tools Huntington Bank offers that tin brand this cheque-in process even easier! Equally a 2022 Huntington Bank Influencer Administrator, this year I am sharing my personal banking experiences and talking nearly finances. Additionally, I am sharing some of the fundamental service offerings of Huntington Banking company, along with their cyberbanking products, events and initiatives. Huntington Banking concern is a total-service cyberbanking provider.

What is a Budget Coming together?

First, let's start at the get-go. There was a time in my life where I wouldn't accept known what a budget coming together was or what it would look like! To be honest I did a pretty horrible task of doing financial bank check-ins on my own when I was single. Everything I will talk nearly here is how my hubby and I have a budget meeting, but if you are single or unmarried you can 100% have a budget meeting with yourself – and should.

A upkeep meeting is a ready time and place to talk about and review financial goals, account balances, income flow, upcoming bills and expenses. If yous are married you should have this meeting with your spouse. If you lot are single, you should have the meeting and review your own accounts and balances and ask yourself a few questions to make sure yous are still on track. A budget meeting is really no different than revisiting other personal goals you may have assault January i.

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Personal Budget

How to Make a Monthly Budget

There are many different types of budgets. Your personal upkeep should listing every known or reoccurring expense in your household. Information technology should besides include line items for things you want to save for or plan for in the future. Some common expenses included on a personal household budget include:

  • Rent / Mortgage
  • Utility Bills
  • Cell Telephone / Cyberspace / Cable
  • Machine Insurance / Repairs
  • Food / Dining Out
  • Entertainment
  • Medical
  • Pets
  • Vesture
  • and more!

Household Upkeep

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How Often Should You Talk About Your Personal Budget?

This tin can vary depending on the complexity of your finances, your goals and financial state of affairs. We have had budget meetings as ofttimes every bit monthly and other times as infrequently equally quarterly. It's skilful to non go likewise long without touching base on finances, all the same, to make certain you remain on rail with goals and practice not run into a fiscal emergency.

My husband and I had a lot to talk virtually at our recent meeting and so we agreed we should talk again in a month and we would even revisit a few of the same topics again. For this meeting we had an electronic agenda invite in which nosotros typed notes and discussion points. Alternatively, yous tin can proceed track of your notes or topics in a notebook or app.

At our recent coming together, almost of our topics covered what I shared with you lot in July regarding our fiscal goals and intentions for the yr. We had some notes jotted down that looked similar this:

  • Savings Account Balance / Goals
  • Preschool / FSA
  • Vacation Follow Up
  • House Projects
  • Holiday Spending

As I've shared earlier, keeping an eye on our budgets on a daily, weekly and monthly basis is integral to having success with financial goals. Also thinking ahead and forecasting is important. For case, if you want to take a week-long holiday in Spring 2020, right now might be a good fourth dimension to begin talking most information technology and budgeting for it!

Household Budget

What Should You Talk Nearly During Your Budget Meeting?

Every bit I mentioned, be certain to review and touch base on account balances, bills, goals and whatsoever other financial topics. A budget coming together tin encompass large topics and even small ones! I of our smaller topics recently was regarding holiday spending. Each year we both like to accept reward of some of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday specials and buy some actress wear, personal items or electronics.

We agreed to destine some extra funds in November for this. The chat on that topic only took a minute only it was important to touch base of operations and so there was no confusion and then that our budget reflected our determination to spend a niggling extra on ourselves. Go along in mind that some budget meeting topics may be recurring such equally this topic, on an annual basis. Other topics may be raised monthly – for case if you live on an irregular income, you might look at your income every single calendar month.

Huntington Bank Budget Tools

Personal Budget

Huntington Tools to Assistance with Your Personal Budget

In addition to having a face to face up meeting (or solo meeting) and reviewing accounts and notes, Huntington Banking company offers some tools that can aid with your fiscal cheque-in and make reaching your goals even easier. Through my relationship with Huntington Bank, I want to share a petty more about these tools equally they might help with your individual financial situation.

You might opt to use one of these tools, or all of them, depending on your own financial personality and preferences. A cracking example of preferences is I like to look at our budget on the laptop in a large window, my husband, on the other hand, prefers to view it on mobile. I as well tend to take more than notes on paper and he takes more electronic notes. The differences are non right or wrong, we have each institute what works best for us.

Huntington Banking concern continues to create financial tools designed specifically to aid the needs of their customers. These tools include: Spend SetterSM , Huntington Heads Up Alerts (bulletin and data rates may apply) and Savings Goal GetterSM. Here's a little bit more detail about each tool so you can get a feel for how the tool works and what information technology might assistance y'all with. I take included links to the tools likewise so y'all can bank check them out directly on the Huntington Bank website.

Huntington Bank Tool Descriptions

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Spend SetterSM

This tool allows you to set up monthly spending limits for categories within your budget such as groceries, eating out and entertainment. Past using a Huntington debit or credit card linked to your account, the Spend Setter tool will track your transactions and let you lot know if you are getting shut to the spending limit you lot set, or if you went over.

The tool uses easy to retrieve color coding to assistance you go along track of your finances: greenish means you are on track, xanthous means you are nearing your spending limit and blood-red means you went over. Spend Setter likewise offers the power to create personal budgets and will recommend spending limits for you!

Personal Budget

Huntington Heads Up®

Similar to how Spend Setter will requite you notice if you are nearing or over spending on a financial budget category, Huntington Heads Upward alerts can help proceed you on track. If your spending is on rails, close to your limit, or over – you will receive an alert. These alerts tin help you save more and too aid you to decide when to splurge. At the end of the month, the tool will let you know how you lot did so that y'all can conform your spending and savings goals for the next month based on by history.

Personal Budget

Savings Goal GetterSM

Equally I've mentioned before, when saving for a large project such as the new roof nosotros recently put on, it can be hard to make up one's mind which funds in your savings account are for the project versus for an emergency. Savings Goal Getter helps simplify your goal setting and breaks downwardly where your money is going on your family unit budget.

This tool allows you lot to set up automatic transfers to salvage automatically for a goal, it also prioritizes your emergency fund foremost, and helps yous reach other fiscal goals past allocating funds. I also talked in detail well-nigh Savings Goal Getter when I shared nearly saving for an emergency.

Maintaining a Personal Budget

Maintaining a Personal Budget

In Conclusion

I hope this post provides a simple introduction to both having and maintaining a personal upkeep, along with some tools that might assistance you stay on runway. Our budgeting is a combination of tracking, checking in financially and using the tools that all-time suit our individual needs and budgeting style.

If you are looking for tools within the Huntington Mobile app or online interface to help you stay on track, visit Huntington Bank online and bank check out Huntington Heads Up alerts, Spend Setter and Savings Goal Getter. You can also observe Huntington Depository financial institution on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

What does a financial bank check-in look similar for you lot?

Disclosure: I am working with Huntington Banking concern as a 2022 Huntington Bank Influencer Ambassador and will receive compensation in exchange for writing web log posts nearly my experience every bit a Huntington Depository financial institution customer and highlighting the bank's unique offerings. The content and opinions expressed hither are all my own.


Source: https://blog.hollyhammersmith.com/personal-budget/

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