Never Say Never Again Hall Never Say Never Again Soft Rock

Algernon: Good to see y'all, Mr. Bond. Things've been awfully dull 'round here. I promise we're going to see some gratis sexual activity and violence in this one!
James Bond: I certainly promise so, as well.

The One With… Bond and the villain settling their differences... with a video game duel.

An "unofficial" note Not function of the long-running Eon Productions picture series James Bond flick released in 1983, starring Sean Connery and directed by Irvin Kershner (manager of The Empire Strikes Dorsum). Information technology's a remake of Thunderball, with 2 nuclear warheads stolen past SPECTRE and used in a blackmail endeavour confronting the nations of the globe. Bond is sent to investigate the only lead, Domino Petachi (Kim Basinger in her Star-Making Part), sister of the pilot who performed the operation. The filmmakers intentionally decided to have Connery play an aging James Bond — though notably, Connery is really younger than Roger Moore, who was still the current 007 in the official films at the fourth dimension. Michel Legrand composed the soundtrack.

This flick was the effect of an odd legal state of affairs whereby Kevin McClory, who had co-written a flick script with Ian Fleming that would become the novel Thunderball, was allowed to retain the rights to that moving picture's story and the characters who appeared in it. This included SPECTRE and Blofeld, who consequently were retired from the official Bond films after 1971'south Diamonds Are Forever, not appearing again until 2015'southward Spectre when Eon Productions finally re-obtained the rights (it also forced Electronic Arts to rename SPECTRE to the comparatively cutesy-sounding OCTOPUS when they adapted From Russian federation with Love into a video game).

It was in straight competition with Eon'south Octopussy, which came out the aforementioned yr. McClory never followed up on this motion-picture show to continue his goal of making his ain James Bond franchise to rival the Eon serial, due to the constant legal disputes with Albert R. Broccoli in doing so and having only the Thunderball novel to work with.

This film provides examples of:

  • Adaptational Consent: In both this and Thunderball Bond seduces the nurse attending him at the health clinic. Notoriously though, the come across in Thunderball is a case of deadline rape and Bond virtually / actually blackmails the nurse into sleeping with him. Information technology's cryptic how serious he was being or whether she honestly felt threatened by it, but it can be however uncomfortable to lookout. Here, the encounter is explicitly consensual and no blackmail — joking or otherwise — is involved at all. Rather, she's interested and Bond sweetens the deal with gourmet food.
  • Adaptational Squeamish Guy: Largo in Thunderball was a flat-out sociopath, while here he's more than Affably Evil.
  • Adaptational Villainy: In Thunderball Domino'due south blood brother was murdered by SPECTRE and replaced with a lookalike. In this motion-picture show, he really defects and helps them (admitting due to a combination of drugs & Chroma'south sexual practice), though, like the same counterpart, he still gets what's coming to him.
  • Affably Evil: Both Largo and Fatima Blush.
  • Creative License – Gun Rubber: Q decides to examination fire the pen gun on the aforementioned range as Bond while continuing backside him, firing at the same targets Bail is firing at and without warning Bond that he'southward about to fire.
  • Aside Glance: The picture show ends with Sean Connery winking at the audience.
  • Auction of Evil: Largo eventually sells Domino to be auctioned as a sex activity slave before Bond saves her.
  • Ax-Crazy: Largo. Made pretty literal when he demolishes part of the Flying Saucer with an ax trying to find Bond.
  • Bastard Beau: Largo. Also insanely jealous, and once he thinks Domino has fallen for Bond turns into a Domestic Abuser.
  • Beard of Evil: Blofeld
  • Blood Knight: Aside from beingness a Femme Fatale, she also revels in murdering her rivals and sexual conquests.
  • Bond One-Liner: Wouldn't exist a Bond movie without one.

    Fatima: Oh. I got yous all moisture.
    Bond: Yes, just my martini is nevertheless dry out.

  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Domino'due south brother, thanks to some heroin encouragement.
  • Broad Strokes: Rather loosely follows the plot of the film Thunderball rather than the novel, with an update to the fourscore's and a motorcycle for Bail to ride.
  • Choke Holds: James uses a sleeper concord on a mook guard during the opening and an assassin uses a sleeper concord on 1 of the attendants at Shrublands.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Largo comes beyond similar this at times.
  • Complexity Addiction: Fatima passes up several opportunities to assassinate Bond with a gun, knife or explosive in favor of a convoluted ambush using remote-controlled sharks.
  • Crash-Into Hullo: Invoked by Fatima Blush who slips and falls into Bail'southward arms on their first encounter.
  • Cutting Apart: 007 is having sexual practice with a girl as a bomb ticks away under his bed. Cue explosion in a room across the courtyard from Bond and Bond Daughter.

    Bond: Well, it proves nosotros made the right conclusion.
    Fishing Daughter: About what, darling?
    Bond: Your place or mine.

  • Da Main: Bizarrely, Thou plays a strange British variation of this trope. The pic acknowledges this M is explicitly non the same grapheme as Bernard Lee'southward.
  • Die Laughing: Fatima.

    Bail: "Not perfected nonetheless"!

  • Do Not Adjust Your Gear up: Unlike in Thunderball, Blofeld delivers a far more than hammy version that even includes his Right-Mitt Cat!
  • Driving into a Truck: While James Bond is riding a motorbike, the enemy mooks forcefulness him to ride up a ramp into a truck then he can be captured. Nevertheless, as the ramp is rising up to trap him he guns it and jumps the motorcycle over the ramp and out of the truck.
  • Middle Scream: Domino'due south brother has surgery on i of his eyes to laissez passer a retina scan. This comes complete with a close-upward of the hideous stitched-together monstrosity. Once it heals properly though all it looks like is that he has slight heterochromia, and as Fatima notes, when he has his contacts in yous'd never observe anything at all.
  • Failed a Spot Check: The Parisian police force fails to detect that the "boxer in preparation" and his bicycling manager are both wearing apparel shoes with black socks.
  • Fake-Out Opening: The opening of the film is just a test exercise.
  • Fast-Roping: Done during the opening.
  • Femme Fatale: Fatima Blush, for many the sole reason to see the film. Barbara Carrera doesn't Chew the Scenery, she has a iv course repast plus dessert.
  • Friendly Enemy: The Affably Evil Largo towards Bond.
  • Gadget Watches: Bail uses a watch with a congenital-in light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation to cut open the manacles property him and escape.
  • Gasp!: Fatima'south inital reaction to spotting Bail with night vision goggles. When Jack asks her if she knows who he is, she gleefully replies, "Oh, yep... James Bond. 007."
  • Giant Mook: Lippe, presumably this film'south version of Count Lippe. Naturally, played by Pat Roach.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Largo is extremely possessive of Domino. Seeing Bond dancing with her turns their antagonism from professional to quite personal.
  • Groin Set on:
    • While Bail is fighting the SPECTRE assassin at Shrublands part of their boxing occurs in a kitchen. Afterward Bond throws a pan of water in the assassin's face he kicks him in the nuts and runs away.
    • Fatima threatens to perform this on Bond with a bullet from her gun.

      Fatima Blush: You're quite a man, Mr. James Bail, but I am a superior adult female. Estimate where you get the first one?

  • High Neckband of Doom: One of Fatima's many outfits.
  • Infirmary Hottie: Another of Fatima'due south many outfits.
  • Indecisive Parody: The movie can't quite seem to decide if it's a harsh satire of the Eon series or if information technology's a regular James Bond film. Manifestly satirical scenes (such as Bond'south word with M at the start) are side by side with normal Bond-manner scenes, and a blatantly middle-aged Bond certainly doesn't assistance matters (though Moore was a few years older than Connery and starring in Octopussy at the same time, fifty-fifty he felt he was likewise old in the next Bond film, A View to a Kill, and he definitely looked too one-time).
  • Improvised Weapon: Bail defeats one Mook with his urine. note Well, causing the Behemothic Mook to stumble into beakers and get killed by broken shards of glass.
  • Improvised Zipline: During the opening.
  • Instant Sedation: During the opening (then information technology probably wasn't real).
  • Jerkass: M, who is far more contemptuous and doubtful of Bond's abilities here than perhaps whatsoever incarnation of M from the official series.
  • Keep the Reward: When Bond beats Largo at the "Domination" video game, theoretically winning over $300,000, he turns downwards Largo'due south money in exchange for a dance with Domino. Subverted in that Largo'south jealousy makes the trip the light fantastic toe a much bigger sting than losing coin.
  • Kick the Canis familiaris: Largo auctioning Domino to some lecherous Arabian slavers. He'd generally been Affably Evil up until this bespeak so this scene seems like information technology was included just to make Largo out to be more of a bastard.
  • Kitchen Chase: The assassin trying to kill Bond at Shrublands follows him into a kitchen and a fight breaks out, complete with a terrified female chef.
  • Kneel Earlier Zod: Fatima's final run into with Bail.
  • Made a Slave: Largo'due south concluding way of disposing of Domino is to sell her every bit a Sex Slave.
  • Meaningful Proper noun: "Small-Fawcett". Doesn't take Sigmund Freud to get that joke.
  • Memetic Badass: Invoked with the gag that Bail might exist so badass his piss can burn down a man's face, and potentially even kill.
  • Mistaken for Servant: Domino mistakes Bond for the masseur. Equally she is an attractive woman in a towel, he doesn't correct her and does the job (equally whatever admirer would).
  • Ms. Fanservice: Domino is played by Kim Basinger. Barbara Carrera every bit Fatima is rather fetching as well.
  • No, Mr. Bail, I Expect You to Dine: Bond spends time aboard the Flying Saucer as an unwilling but well cared-for invitee.
  • Non-Indicative Name: The title has zippo to do with the plot. It refers to Connery returning to the role of Bond later pledging to never play the graphic symbol over again. Connery's wife suggested the title, and she's listed in the credits for it. (Thought it does get most-dropped at the very end, with a literal flash.)
  • No OSHA Compliance: The staircases in Nicole's business firm definitely don't look rubber for anyone prone to losing their balance.
  • Nothing Tin End U.s.a. Now!: Blofeld says this as the warhead is beingness sent to the target.
  • Older Hero vs. Younger Villain: Though not younger past that much, but Bond is definitely showing his historic period - which is Yard's complaint (though this incarnation of Thou would appear to accept difficulty running an ice cream parlour, nevermind MI6, so he tin can't complain near having Bail on his payroll).
  • Overt Operative: Lampshaded past Bond, when Nigel Small-Fawcett is yelling Bond's name to concenter his attention, then acts furtively when talking to Bond. The fact Nigel is played by Mr. Bean and Johnny English makes it funnier. invoked

    Nigel Small-Fawcett: [yelling] Mr Bond! I say Mr. Bond! Nigel Modest-Fawcett, British Embassy, Nassau.
    James Bond: Dainty to see you Nigel.
    Nigel Modest-Fawcett: Sorry I'thou tardily, but as y'all're one of these undercover jollies, I took the precaution of not being followed.
    James Bond: And that'southward why you shouted my name across the harbor?
    Nigel Pocket-size-Fawcett: Oh God, did I? Oh I'm sad! Damn! Damn! Deplorable I'g rather new to all this!

  • The Pen Is Mightier: When information technology'south a pocket-sized rocket launcher, it is.
  • Pocket Rocket Launcher: 1 of the gadgets James Bond is provided by Algernon the quartermaster is a miniature rocket launcher disguised equally a fountain pen. Bond ends upwardly using it to blow upwards SPECTRE agent Fatima Chroma when Chroma, eager to obtain proof that she was the one who killed the legendary James Bond, orders him to write a letter at gunpoint.
  • Product Placement: Atari, of all things. A peculiarly ironic case of this at that, considering that this film was released in the year 1983. To be fair, the games shown off are stand-up arcade cabinets, which continued potent throughout The '80s and early 90's.
  • Punch Grab: During the fight between Bond and the SPECTRE assassin at Shrublands, Bond throws a punch at the assassin and the assassin calmly grabs Bond's fist, demonstrating his tremendous forcefulness.
  • Punch! Punch! Dial! Uh Oh...: One of the SPECTRE assassins is so tough that he non only shrugs off Bond's punches, but pulls a Punch Grab.
  • Punny Proper name: Nigel Small-Fawcett. Minor-Fawcett...pocket-sized faucet. Doesn't accept Sigmund Freud to get that joke.
  • Race Lift: Felix Leiter, who is played by African-American actor Bernie Casey.
  • Revealing Cover-Up: SPECTRE'S attempt to continue their activities at Shrubland's a secret not only attract Bond'south attending, just indicate him in the direction of Domino - and past extension, Largo.
  • Right-Hand Cat: Blofeld wouldn't be Blofeld without having his white Persian cat.
  • Running Gag: The scrap virtually "eliminating Gratuitous Radicals."
  • Sealed with a Osculation: It's a Bond film, it's expected.

    Small-Fawcett: M says that without you in the service, he fears for the security of the civilized world.
    Bond: Never again.
    Domino: Never?
    Soundtrack:Never, never say never again, never, never say never over again!
    (Bail winks to camera and moves in on Domino. Credits Roll.)

  • Cocky-Plagiarism: Screenwriters Dick Cloudless and Ian La Frenais reused a joke from the first episode of Porridge:

    Fill this glass.

    What, from hither?

  • Shark Pool: Fatima Blush turns the Caribbean into a giant version by sending electronically controlled sharks to attack Bond later on placing a Tracking Device on him.
  • She's Got Legs: Fatima. "Then nurse-y will give infant his candy."
  • Shoe Phone: Subverted at least one time. The "gyroscopic bomb" disguised as a cigar case turns out to be just a cigar case. And then there's Q'due south mini-rocket launcher disguised as a fountain pen.
  • Slave Market: Bond rescues Bail Girl Domino Petachi from slave traders, where she'd been shackled to a post and put upwards for auction. Domino had been sent there equally punishment for betraying Big Bad Largo.
  • Smoldering Shoes: Played straight when Fatima is killed by i of Q's devices.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: The theme is a calorie-free, easy listening tune, and it's first played during the opening preparation sequence where Bail beats the crap out of everyone.
  • Spanner in the Works: Go on in mind, James stumbled onto the plot while he was on holiday in a wellness spa.
  • A Spy at the Spa: Bond poses equally a masseur to become information from Domino.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: "She could take turned."
  • Stocking Filler: Fatima Blush has Jack Petachi hooked on heroin to force him to obey her. She carries a hypo filled with the drug in a garter belt (nether a nurse's uniform no less), and exposes information technology while taking out the hypo. On YouTube starting at 1:05.
  • Harbinger Feminist: Fatima Blush certainly prides herself on being an empowered woman able to command any man she wants, but when Bond implies that he was not impressed by her performance while making dear, she nearly goes to pieces, frightened and embarrassed by the thought that her sexual prowess is anything less than stellar. For a brief moment, Fatima actually begs Bond to assure her that making beloved to her was the greatest experience of his life - right before she resumes threatening to shoot him in his privates, and she took great delight in murdering her "rival" for Bail's angel as well. Again, Sigmund Freud, field day.
  • Take That!: Algernon's quip about hoping to encounter some "gratuitous sex and violence" was aimed at the "official" Bond films which had go cartoonish. Granted, this picture's not much better in that regard.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Fatima's death blows her up completely.
  • Threatening Shark: Fatima sends electronically controlled sharks to assault Bond after placing a Tracking Device on him.
  • Tracking Device: Fatima Chroma plants one on Bail and then her electronically controlled sharks tin can home in on him.
  • Tranquillizer Dart: James uses a sleep-poisoned blowgun dart on a Mook guard at the showtime.
  • Truer to the Text: There are a scattering of moments that definitely become back to the original novel rather than the previous movie — the most obvious being the final expiry of Largo, where Domino shooting him underwater goes much closer to how information technology'due south described in the volume.
  • Under the Truck: During a chase scene Bail dives nether a truck with his motorcycle and exits the other side.
  • Unwinnable Training Simulation: Discussed. Bail's new boss is dissatisfied with his performance during the faux training missions (he died one time and lost his legs in some other mission). Bail and then points out that training missions cannot be compared to the existent thing every bit the adrenaline heave is missing.
  • Villainous Friendship: Largo and Blush are both homicidal psychopaths only they seem to exist on genuinely friendly terms with each other, and Largo has to remind her at times that he is her superior. They are otherwise on commencement name terms and he personally chose her to "recruit" Jack Petachi.
  • Why Don't Yous Merely Shoot Him?: Fatima Chroma has non one, not two, non even three, but iv times to just shoot Bail, but but settles for trying inane things like trying to get him eaten past sharks, blowing him upward, killing Nicole for no reason, and trying to get Bond to put her in his memoirs. This last one gets her killed.
  • Writing Around Trademarks: While it employs the plot and character names of Thunderball, Bond mainstays which Eon wouldn't allow such equally the Leitmotif and the Bond Gun Barrel are absent.
  • You Are Number vi: Largo calls Fatima "Number 12" at one point to remind her that they have a strictly professional relationship. This, when she was going to osculation him for giving her an order to kill Bail's female assistant.
  • You Take Outlived Your Usefulness: After Jack Petachi has served his purpose (replacing the dummy warheads with real ones), he is killed off by Fatima.
  • Yous're Insane!: Delivered past Domino to Largo. Largo just smiles and agrees.
  • Zeerust: The arcade game Domination, very much so. It was supposed to be advanced and futuristic, only information technology comes off as LESS avant-garde than the games in the game room in the casino that Domino had merely been inside.


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